“Buffy is a true north guide through the never-ending rocky channels.”
-Sarah P.
Launched in April 2020, the Things That Will Help podcast has become an anchor for Buffy and her community of listeners. How do we stay open in this world? How do we grow through our pain? Buffy offers practical guidance on life’s universal themes and questions grounded in textured storytelling. She teaches about the beauty and the breadth of human experience, even in all of its pain and cracking.
Each episode is accompanied by a Spotify playlist, curated by Matthew Cooper, which span genres, moods, and characteristics. See the full archive of playlists here.
Episode 89: Longing Will Help
Buffy posits that because we have access to so much information, it's not often we encounter the feeling of longing. She tells stories of sweet treats, hot fries, baby whales, and the lily-pad nature of longing. What form does your longing take?
Episode 88: A Seat Will Help
This episode is for listeners who tend to do more when they're in process, integration, or crisis. Buffy asks: what happens when we stop moving? What will be revealed when we find stillness?
Episode 87: Relish Will Help
Buffy encourages listeners to examine what's big and beautiful now, right now. Tune in for stories of one final message, ear infections, and an impossibly slow stair walker. The task this week is to pull yourself into the potency of the present and relish what's in front of you.
Episode 86: Reggie Hubbard Will Help
Buffy welcomes special guest, yoga teacher, and activist Reggie Hubbard to the podcast this week. They talk about the ways activism and yoga intersect, Reggie's exciting tenure on Capitol Hill, and where Reggie continues to find inspiration amongst challenge and difficulty
Episode 85: Rejection Will Help
Buffy talks about her recent rejection practice, what we don't get to know about the times we've been rejected, and why the mainstream is overrated.
Episode 84: Chakras Will Help
The chakras are a tool that help us visualize and understand our body as a map. In this episode, Buffy breaks down these color-coded energetic centers as a way for you to reflect the ways life sticks on and moves through you.
Episode 83: Elders Will Help
This episode is an inquiry into the aging process - our own process, and the ways we tend to our loved one's aging. Buffy tells stories of sin-holding hats, the importance of asking questions, and more, all in service to the question: how do you see and uphold aging, both personally and culturally?
Episode 82: Movement From the Center
This episode is about the experience and practice from moving from a calm, centered space deep within you, even when the world outside is crumbling.
Episode 81: Fresh Somethings Will Help
We at TTWH love a ritual. But what happens when our routines block us from seeing things in a fresh and new way? When our discipline becomes stagnant?
Episode 80: Things That Don’t Help
Has anybody ever said something to you, while you were in a time of need, that profoundly did not help? This episode is simply a practical "how-to" guide of what not to say to a loved one when they are sharing a hurt or tender part of themselves with you.
Episode 79: Impact Will Help
Let's talk about impact.Buffy answers a listener question about an irritating habit that's followed them along a string of partners. In response, Buffy talks about impact: how it's different than intention, requires communication, and why we must teach people how to love us well.
Episode 78: Home Will Help
This episode starts with a story about two coffee-drinking’ sisters and traverses the intellectual and emotional landscape in search of the meaning of “home.” How will home help? Listen in for tips on how to access your own inner sense of belonging.
Episode 77: Ghost Stories Will Help (Part 2)
Today's episode serves as the second part of the Ghost Stories episode. Tune in for tales of a haunted house, what the haunting catalyzed, and how to listen to what's being communicated.
Episode 76: What Helps When Our Hearts are Broken?
Today's episode is dedicated to the five lives lost suddenly and tragically in a mass shooting in Denver last week. CW: gun violence & death.
Episode 75: Ghost Stories Will Help
Hear us out: ghost stories help us get out of our own way. The ghost stories Buffy tells in this episode will have you considering the times in your own life when spirit was close enough to touch, taste, and see.
Episode 74: Margins Will Help
Today's episode is about the beauty that is found in the margins - the kind of beauty that doesn't set out to be beautiful, but is anyway. Tune in for stories of a post office stranger, golden retriever companions, and borrowed books.
Episode 73: Stewardship Will Help
Buffy talks about the different ingredients that make up a recipe of authentic, generous stewardship. She tells stories of a tinkering grandaddy, a heroic funeral director, and a garbage collector, all in service to the idea that stewardship is a beautiful mix of patience, presence, and a desire to leave things better than we find them.
Episode 72: The Crooked Way Will Help
Welcome to Season 6 of Things That Will Help. In the kick-off episode, Buffy talks about the crooked way: all of the ways our paths wind that perhaps isn't so straightforward.
Episode 71: Forgiveness Will Help
Today's topic is a tender and much-requested and one: forgiveness. When is it time to forgive someone? What is anger's incubation period? Who is forgiveness for? Buffy dives headfirst into this topic - and, you'll be unsurprised to know that most of the answers lies within you.
Episode 70: Your Medicine Will Help
In this episode, Buffy shares stories of three wise women, daily rituals, all in service to illuminating ways to best support you AND deepen your sense of play?