supporting anxiety will help
Bookmark this page as a practical reference for ways to access your body, support your brain, and tend to practical matters when your inner world needs support.
dear buffy
Dear Buffy at 13, You are deeply okay under all the layers of shame and searing worry that you feel. It seems big right now, your ache for belonging and boys and your place in the world.
field brook court
It was the first place of all the places you and I had. And it was the last place I took you, in a cloth bag. You told me I could always find you there, and so I’ll go there tonight, after supper.
pawpaw and granny
When I smell it, I can see PawPaw, boiling shrimp in a big pot on the white metal stove. He has a can of beer in his hand that is hidden by a paper towel neatly fitted around the label. That was back before Southern Baptists drank openly, even though we all knew what was under there.
pointe shoes
Who invented pointe shoes anyway?
A man, I think.
To elongate the leg and create places of pleasure
for eyes to trace uninterrupted.
pawpaw’s thumbs
I remember sitting on PawPaw’s lap when I was little, tracing his thumbs with my small fingers. His hands were huge, blue collar, and beautifully weathered.
Billy Collins talked to us about the whales propelling themselves through the oceans as we sit and have coffee, and I have wondered about everything that happens in the same day. =
bone. breath. brink.
This morning I took a slow exhalation that spilled down into the bones of my feet. I am leaning towards something I cannot yet hold in my body, But it is right there next to my stable waist.
the bird and the bear
the bird and the bear had always been together,
but they would have found each other anyway, probably near water. I think that is where we all could find one another, at the shoreline.
today’s beauty marks
Older women who are mentors and wise counsel. Sometimes I need them to be sharp and clear with me, and coax me back into the game. And sometimes it is so sweet just to hear them tell a story from the other side.
killing my darlings
dear darlings, meaning the things I have loved the most. faulkner said to kill you, but I couldn’t do it. the metaphors, the panic, and the old, unstylish lamp - all of you.