“Buffy is a true north guide through the never-ending rocky channels.”
-Sarah P.
Launched in April 2020, the Things That Will Help podcast has become an anchor for Buffy and her community of listeners. How do we stay open in this world? How do we grow through our pain? Buffy offers practical guidance on life’s universal themes and questions grounded in textured storytelling. She teaches about the beauty and the breadth of human experience, even in all of its pain and cracking.
Each episode is accompanied by a Spotify playlist, curated by Matthew Cooper, which span genres, moods, and characteristics. See the full archive of playlists here.
Episode 69: Drinkin’ from the Saucer Will Help
Today, we’re talking about joy - the deep, cellular kind. Buffy defines it, talks about ways to access it (spoiler alert: it does not require your external conditions to be a certain way), and describes the essential place it has in our lives.
Episode 68: Space Will Help
This episode is dedicated entirely to the potent space we leave after we set a boundary, talking point, or decision. Buffy talks about the ways over-explanation has the potential to dilute our alignment and resolve.
Episode 67: Lemonade Will Help
Having watched Beyonce's "Lemonade" is not a prerequisite for listening to this episode. But, we're sure if you haven't seen it yet, you'll be running to watch it after you listen.
Episode 66: Writing Will Help
Writing is alchemical. It changes us, and it changes what we write about - especially if it's a piece of our story. In this episode, Buffy tells stories of dancing love letters, mixtapes, and hand-written t-shirts as a way to support the claim that writing changes who we are and how we operate in the world.
Episode 65: Swagger Will Help
Deep self-belief is the bedrock of our success. And in today's episode, Buffy talks about the two parts that come together to create self-belief: the inner part and the outer part.
Episode 64: Fall Rituals Will Help
The edges of the day are cooling off. Can you feel it? The slight drop in temp is the inspiration for this week's episode, where Buffy talks about the Fall season and why it is such a potent time to implement rituals to get focused and clean house.
Episode 63: The Big and the Little Will Help
Your life is composed of big and little. The whole and the sum of its parts. The splash of paint and the full composition. In this episode, Buffy explains why both are so essential.
Episode 62: Prana Will Help
In this episode, Buffy teases apart the idea of prana, why it might matter in your day-to-day, prana leaks, and practical ways to build it in and for yourself.
Episode 61: Going for the Gold Will Help
Buffy tells stories of a canceled engagement, Simone Biles' unexpected "Happiest Moment," and the ways ritualized practice shapes us, all in service to making moves towards our true, embodied championship.
Episode 60: Hope Will Help
Buffy shares about her experiences with depression, which she describes as a cave. She shares stories of her father, foot massages, and Robin Williams to illuminate the secretive nature of depression and the ways hope can help us keep going.
Episode 59: Imagination Will Help
This is the basis for today's episode, inspired by Jason Reynolds' talk "Libraries Within Us." This is an episode about creativity - how, when we lean into the mallelable nature of life, we have an opportunity to break down what we think is concrete.
Episode 58: Killing Your Darlings Will Help
William Faulkner's advice to writers? Kill your darlings.This week's stories include Zinnia's, young people versus the United States government, and a funeral eulogy.
Episode 57: Wholeness Will Help
Buffy teases apart the idea of wholeness as a belief system and the ways wholeness does - or does not - create the foundation for our relationships. On the docket for these 30 minutes: Rilke, a date-less incubator, and a tale of two nightgowns.
Episode 56: Selectivity Will Help
Expect tales of dueling dietary preferences and Papaw's extended stay. This episode is about boundaries, stillness, and discernment all in one.
Episode 55: Feedback Will Help Part 2
Buffy talks about feedback from a personal place. She talks about the context, set-up, and the ways feedback is most effective. Today's stories are about rainbow carpet conversations, births, and approaching feedback with curiosity.
Episode 54: Feedback Will Help Part 1
What happens when you get feedback - both solicited and unsolicited? Buffy talks about aaaaallllll of the ways we receive feedback, and gives some suggestions for how to receive it in a way that is healthy and tends to sensitivities.
Episode 53: With the Grain Will Help
Buffy tells stories of boot-quaking imposter syndrome, pink shorts, and going to great heights. The call is to step into your own you-ness, to get specific with things you need to conquer. You'll consider the hills you are currently climbing - are they for you, or are they a distraction?
Episode 52: Potion or Poison Will Help
What is the tipping point when something turns from potion to poison? From helpful to harmful? In this episode, Buffy asks you to consider where in your life you are treading that line and how to reorient to what's in alignment for your life.
Episode 51: Disruption Will Help
Disruption can bury or buoy us. Buffy talks about why it helps and the ways we can shape it so it becomes the fertile ground for transformation. She tells tales of profundity in the park and shares stories of disruption across the last year.
Episode 50: 3 Jewels Will Help
Buffy tells stories about apologies: how we can hear them, how we can respond to them, and how they can close circles of healing.