Episode 121: This Deer Will Help


CW: Violence and LGBTQ hate crimes.

Buffy opens the episode with the story of Matthew Shepard - a young gay man who was brutally murdered  - and about the gentle, magical animal presence at the scene of the crime. This is an episode about being a spacious, compassionate presence for the ones we love. Our kind attention - without judgement, advice, or solution-oriented actions - can be the most precious healing balm. Buffy tells stories of a cat named Prissy, a hospice vigil, and an 7-year-old's feet.

"We are, each of us, able to move energy and hold powerful, sacred space just by being as still as an oak tree." 

Visit the Matthew Shepard Foundation here.

Visit Tina Porter's website here, and The Brody Huber Foundation here.

Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

Visit www.buffybarfoot.com to learn more about and sign up for the Understory.

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Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.


Episode 122: Maybe Will Help


Episode 120: The Fucking Chicken Will Help