Episode 119: The Mountain and the Magnifying Glass Will Help


There are moments in our lives where we to be reconnected to the big picture, and there are moments where we need to look at our feet in order to take the next right step. How do we discern which tools we need?

Buffy uses the metaphors of "the mountain" and "the magnifying glass" as different medicines that are available to us when we are feeling lost. She tells stories of kittens, stage four cancer, and how the braiding of these two vantage points delivers potent lessons and direction.

Visit Natalie's Instagram here and her website here.

Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

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To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email buffymiranda@gmail.com.

Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod, or visit her website at www.buffybarfoot.com.

Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.


Episode 120: The Fucking Chicken Will Help


Episode 118: Sacred Rage Will Help